Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)

Ok GAE owners, now you can sell your turntables, because upcoming Technics 100th Anniversary model will be a new version of the reference SP-10mk3 and they call it SP-10R. Finally!


"Berlin, Germany (30 August 2017) – Technics has today announced the launch of the Reference Class SP-10R, its most premium analogue, direct drive turntable to date, which is anticipated to hit the market in early summer 2018. The news comes as Technics unveils a prototype of the new, cutting-edge turntable with the world’s top-level* S/N (signal-to-noise) ratio and rotational stability for the first time at this year’s IFA."

"Reference Class Turntable Promising Outstanding Results

The SP-10R features a brand new, coreless direct drive motor which, in addition to the two-sided rotor drive system that was used in the SL-1200G, boasts stator coils on both sides of the rotor, for a more powerful and accurate sound."

"The heavy platter features a three-layer structure consisting of brass, aluminum die-cast and deadening rubber, just like the platter of the SL-1200G. By optimising the natural frequency of each layer, external vibrations are thoroughly suppressed resulting in a beautifully clear and crisp audio experience."

"The SP-10R also features a new ultra-low-noise switching power supply, which, compared to a power supply unit using a transformer, is better at suppressing unwanted humming sounds and vibrations. The power supply unit is separate from the main turntable, preventing unwelcome noise from being transmitted to the turntable unit, for a sharper and clearer sound."






P.S. Should we expect $15 000 or more ? And the new plinth comin soon?

Power supply looks funny, but the design of the drive is great, i think we should wait for the new version of the EPA-100 soon. Good news the GAE was not the last turntable !!!


Showing 10 responses by totem395

Putting other major Japanese based companies in the same "boat" so to speak with Technics in regards to building a new high end table is 
at the best wishful thinking.

 Even back in the day there were few companies that did not outsource 
a large portion of their product line most notably the top tier turntables and tonearms Technics was one of them.
Leaving a handful at best to provide the in house talent on
a for hire basis.

I'm excited to see the latest push for Technics in the table market
but don't expect to see others rush to compete IMHO.

As chakster stated the resources and money needed are enormous 
for DD's.

With regards to Technics retaining the square footprint on
their new SP-10, it has been noted that it "can replace previous
SP-10 models so a drop in replacement"
Makes all those who have Obsidian and custom plinths
happy and expands the market. 

Seems 9" arm suitability was not a priority.

Side note, even the "round bezelled Victor" can be problematic
with short arms especially when they use damping troughs.


Can’t remember who else used that toneam pod, i think i saw it on the system page on a’gon.

Check out halcro's page.

As to plinth building, materials of construction  do affect your results.

 Additionally a single material is most often not the best option with CLD
constrained layer construction being widely accepted.
The motor is the same as the current SL1200
Interesting thanks for the link.

They did mention that the new R has an additional motor coil added 
for the increase of torque.
 Also, I can gloat, because I predicted the retail price of the 10R very closely on the nose, albeit on my second guess.

I was off although I'll blame it on age and get away with it. 

I think the plinth and arm at $10,000 is a bit of a hard sell while the drive and power supply for $10,000 I can see.
Those sure appear to be 2 Ortofons mounted on the Technics.
Think that was just by chance or?

the MK3 has a linear power supply vs the SMPS of the SP 10R.
 I haven't looked into it, but thats surprising.
Member JP has tested the original MK II's and III's and the R series 
with polar plots etc, I'll leave it up to him to make any quantitive 

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