Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)

Ok GAE owners, now you can sell your turntables, because upcoming Technics 100th Anniversary model will be a new version of the reference SP-10mk3 and they call it SP-10R. Finally!


"Berlin, Germany (30 August 2017) – Technics has today announced the launch of the Reference Class SP-10R, its most premium analogue, direct drive turntable to date, which is anticipated to hit the market in early summer 2018. The news comes as Technics unveils a prototype of the new, cutting-edge turntable with the world’s top-level* S/N (signal-to-noise) ratio and rotational stability for the first time at this year’s IFA."

"Reference Class Turntable Promising Outstanding Results

The SP-10R features a brand new, coreless direct drive motor which, in addition to the two-sided rotor drive system that was used in the SL-1200G, boasts stator coils on both sides of the rotor, for a more powerful and accurate sound."

"The heavy platter features a three-layer structure consisting of brass, aluminum die-cast and deadening rubber, just like the platter of the SL-1200G. By optimising the natural frequency of each layer, external vibrations are thoroughly suppressed resulting in a beautifully clear and crisp audio experience."

"The SP-10R also features a new ultra-low-noise switching power supply, which, compared to a power supply unit using a transformer, is better at suppressing unwanted humming sounds and vibrations. The power supply unit is separate from the main turntable, preventing unwelcome noise from being transmitted to the turntable unit, for a sharper and clearer sound."






P.S. Should we expect $15 000 or more ? And the new plinth comin soon?

Power supply looks funny, but the design of the drive is great, i think we should wait for the new version of the EPA-100 soon. Good news the GAE was not the last turntable !!!


Showing 2 responses by pbnaudio

Very Exiting indeed, Looking at the video one can't help but to nice that the motor it self look identical to then used in the SL1200 model with some added mechanical isolation and a very robust platter.  As it appears they will release this as a drive and hopefully a complete turntable with plinth and tonearm.  

Having worked a bit with the SP10MK2 and the MK3 I wish they would make the housing for the drive round on the two back corners as this would allow for the use of 9" arms, the Mk2 and 3 and this one as it appears allow only for 12" arms to be used if a aesthetically pleasing result is desired.

Good Listening

I spoke to the design engineer - or one of them - at this CES (2018) and I suggested that they made the back right corner of the plinth removable so one can utilize 9" tonearms on the turntable when mounted in a plinth.  He seemed somewhat interested in the idea.  As it is now only 12" arms are useable just like with its predecessor the Mk2 and Mk3.

Lets see what they decide to do once this goes into production

Good Listening
