Unreal prices

Watching a YouTube video about receiver wars of 1970 piqued my interest so I checked eBay.

Pioneer SX-1950 going for $5000 plus.

My lowly SX-1050 going for $1700.

Those prices, with deflation to the 70s, are list prices back then.  Kept their value. 😀

Showing 1 response by lg1

Being a casualty of those receiver wars (Bought a brand new Pioneer SX-1250 in ‘77 which lasted slightly less than 7 years before giving up the ghost...I don’t think it ever ran much cooler than the tube amp I have now.) I’ve watched those climbing prices with more than a little bit of amusement.  I must say that a friend had an SX-650 that lasted 30 years and I still pine for my old 1250 purely out of nostalgia for the times that it was part-and-parcel of.  
If I could go back in time, I think I’d buy the Sansui 9090 DB though.

if I could go back knowing what I know now, I’d buy the HK Citation separates...