Ultrasonic record cleaners

I have a modest lp collection, mixed bag of original college age purchases, used records before the current renewed interest, and some newer albums to replace some older issues from the p mount needle days.  Have a vpi 16 machine and audio intelligent form 6 fluid. I’m not finding a significant improvement on my noisier issues.  The price of ultrasonic cleaners have come down to a price I would consider.  Appreciate the experiences of those who have purchased the ultrasonic machines, are they superior to my vpi and are the less expensive models effective?



Showing 2 responses by livin_262002

I bought the KA-RC1 (Kirmuss) on the cheap but soon grew tired of the process outlined in the manual and the Kirmuss surfactant leaves residue in the grooves. Gave up on the machine for a good while. Then realized I could just use the ultrasonic cleaning device with surfactant added directly to the US bath. I found a recipe online and concocted my own cleaning solution using Triton X-100 and 91% Iso.

Once the record was cleaned with KA-RC1, I rinsed it, twice, with pure distilled water and vacuum dried it with my Okki Nokki RCM. The results were very very good.

I have a very noisy Pink Floyd record. Tried cleaning it many times before (using both Kirmuss solution and Okki Nokki) but couldn’t get rid of the noise but the last clean did the trick. Not a single click, pop or crackle. I had to play the record twice to make my self believe that its the same noisy record.

Hope this helps.

@rvillanova Sure, I used Triton X-100 and 91% IPA to prepare the concentrate.


40 ml Triton X-100

48 ml 91% IPA

Then add 22ml of this solution to Kirmuss cleaner. Once 5min clean cycle done I take it out and rise with distilled water and vacuum dry, twice. When distilled water is applied to US cleaned record the first time, you can see the surfactant wetting the grooves. After the second rinse with distilled water, the drops will just bead up.


Hope this helps.