Ugraditus is calling....again. Phono stage?

There is likely nothing wrong at all with present phono stage but you know how it is.

Present analog front end consists of.

Nottingham Analog Spacedeck with Spacearm.
Shelter 501 mk3 cartridge with maybe 250 hours on it, regularly treated with Lyra.
Dynavector P75 mk3 phono stage.
Feeds into Lyngdorf 2170 via Nordost Red Dawn RCA cables.

My thoughts were that possibly the Dynavector is the weakest link and would pay most dividend on an upgrade but.....

What do I perceive I am lacking right now?
Really hard to say as this is highest quality analog front end ever owned.
Possibly lacking a little in sheer scale and dynamics? Bass is very very good, instruments are well separated and defined.
Just as an overall presentation I feel it lacks that final wow factor as a whole.
Not sure if that makes any sense?
Please comment honestly especially if you feel it is another area that may reap larger benefits. Or if should just leave well

Oh btw I am fairly sure it is setup correctly in regards to vta etc, at least to the best of my abilities right now. And yes setting it up correctly from initial purchase did make considerable gains in sq.

I agree with you.  Maybe best to wait until some actual PH10 users have had some time with the PSU, and hear their findings.
Not sure how much benefit I would see from a separate psu for the ph10 as I presently feed it from my equicore 1800.
Especially at $1100.

The PS Audio has had a day of use now, and it's much better than I was expecting, fitting in fantastically with my current system.  I'm no longer going to be seeking out a different phono stage.

Until the itch comes back, of course..
Just checked out Gold Note's site, and all the PSU details are there.  Looks very cool.

Thanks for the heads up @sksos1 
Gold Note just announced the release of the external power supply (PSU-10) for their PH-10 phono unit which is a super inductive & chokes power supply.  

(Dealer disclaimer) 

Post removed 
I thought much earlier it was thought that most of the tube phono stages discussed would not be a good match for the 2170?
Not that it matters too much at this stage as I am very happy with the ph10 and Robert has moved on from the 2170.

Edit....just reread your first post on the impedance issue and yes you stated the Chinook should have no issues at all with the 2170.
Not sure how I translated that to be all the tube phono stages mentioned would be a poor match!
My bad but still very happy with the ph10 so far.
Uberwaltz, the Chinook has particularly low output impedance (50 ohms nominal according to its manual; 91 ohms and a recommended minimum load of 2.5K according to its website description), so it won’t have any problem driving the 2170. Or most other preamps or integrated amps, for that matter.

Best regards,
-- Al

Still undecided on the iFi.  I'm using it with my CD player right now, and like what i'm hearing.  I find that I'm listening to albums that are easily accessible through Tidal, but now with a "tube" sound and it's a blast.

That being said, if I return it, that's an extra $399 towards a new phono preamp.
Nice shortlist.
I assume you will be returning the iFi to Amazon as it was more of a tube sound test than anything?

I know the Manley was highly recommended earlier, just did not sound like it would have been a good impedance match to the 2170.
Short list:

EAR 834P deluxe
Lehmann Silver Cube
Manley Chinook
Parasound JC3+
Rega Aria

All but the Rega, I would need to purchase used, but I see them listed pretty often.  I really enjoyed the PH10 used with the iFi iTube2, but that was  make-shift (half-assed), so that's why i've included a few true tube preamps on the list.

Of course, I'm going to be using the PS Audio NuWave shortly, and I'm curious to see how it integrates with my new system.  It's been almost a year, and two systems later, since the first time I owned one.  I remember loving it, so we'll see..
IMO only I think it will be hard to top the PH10 at your price point but please keep all posted in what you try.
Uberwaltz, +1

I'm worse than you are, and enjoying music in the primary goal, but there's no harm in trying new things.  For me, that's part of the fun, and part of this hobby.  It's whatever makes you happy.


$2000 used/new.

I've heard the following:  Pro-Ject Tube Box S, iFi iPhono2, Parasound JC3 Jr, PS Audio NuWave Phono, GN PH10 - for stand alone units.

Used the built in phono stages in the following: Emotiva TA-100, Marantz PM6006, Parasound Halo Int, Mytek Brookly DAC+, and Micromega M100.

The top 4 best sounding to me, in order: PH10, NuWave Phono, Mytek, and Micromega.  The difference between the PH10 & Micromega isn't much, and hence another reason I've parted ways (maybe temporarily with the PH10).

I have ordered another PS Audio unit, but I plan on using that as more of a utility device - to archive, use ADC, and as a phono stage.

I feel I might have to wait until my budget can increase to really step it up.  I'm in no hurry though.

Not really sure why you have decided to make it your mission to criticize my actions or posts but whatever makes you happy. Not my intention to provoke your ire, I am just here to learn what I can, share my experiences and enjoy the music!

Lets see though...
Lyngdorf 2170..... likely here to stay
Nottingham Analog Spacedeck……. likely here to stay
GoldNote PH-10 phono stage.... likely here to stay
Cartridges... yes they will be an evolving mission
Cables...… pretty much done with them now Grannyring has made me a superb set of XLR cables.

Bluesound Vault 2... was thinking of an update after 18 months but nothing much better around at all.

Speakers, yes just decided to update from my old Wilson Witt mk1 to a pair of the new Tekton Di, which have rave reviews by actual owners everywhere.

Nakamichi 582 tape deck.... likely here to stay.

Underpant….yep changing them frequently.

Seriously though not sure of your "dig".

Most of my purchases have been used and as used there really is no "burnin" required so what I hear is what I get right away and some items I have bought just were instant, "well not a good fit at all"

In all honesty if my posts and actions offend you then probably best to just ignore them. Its a hobby, I enjoy it and the music that flows forth and if I decided to mix things up earlier to get to where I am now then where is the harm in that?

Oh and when I listen to music at least 5 to 6 hours a day I get PLENTY of time to evaluate changes I have made tbh, at least in my system to my ears and imho.


You move through gear so fast, how can you really evaluate anything?

Valid point.  I'm actually using the iFi with an old NAD cd player & it's working out wonderfully..  I mean I'm playing CDs again, and having fun.
Nice to see somebody who changes their equipment more often than

Most earlier phono suggestions were tube based and as you just bought that ifi microtube not sure if that would have much point

Should start shipping the first week of June.

On another note, as is very common (stupid, crazy?) with me, I am switching up my system again, and moving on to another phono preamp.

Listed the PH10 yesterday.  We'll see what comes up next, and I'll probably start by looking at the start of this thread more closely to see what else was initially recommended for starters.

so it goes..
I've been enjoying the PH10 and can say ive never listened so much and so long to my albums they just seem so natural and clean now.
Anyone hear anything regarding the optional PS?
Definitely sounds intriguing
I wonder who I might know that still has a ph10 and a 2170.....

This little gadget is very cool.  On my 3rd record so far.  I haven't played around with all the settings which include:
-3 types of tube sound signatures: classic tube, set, and push-pull
-3 sound stage signatures: normal, enhanced, and 30* enhanced
-3 Bass signatures: none, +6db, and +12b

I've been using classic tube, enhanced soundstage, and no bass boost.

There is no loss in detail, but much better warmth, air, and soundstage.  I guess this thing does exactly what its supposed to do.

Build quality is excellent, and placement is easy since it's so small.  I've used iFi products before, but placement was always a PITA, because the inputs & outputs were on opposite sides of the unit.  Not the case here.

More listening to do, but I'm very happy with my initial impressions, and highly recommend the iTube2.  So much fun, for so little $$$

Now I wish I could try it with a 2170 - Room Perfect and tube goodness.  Might be a very cool match.
I usually forget to check Amazon! 

The wife lives on it but I am still stuck on

And of course 30 day return policy with Amazon, in case it's not a good fit.
Looks very interesting indeed.
Lots of good reviews.
Please keep us updated.
About $500?

Just got a slight itch to try something new with the PH-10 - A tube buffer.

I know there is a GoldNote tube buffer supposed to be released, who knows when? along with the PSU, but in the meantime I just grabbed an iFi iTube2 from Amazon. 

Very excited to try this reasonably inexpensive addition.  Whether or not it integrates with the rest of my system, we'll have to see.

But, if it does...I can't think of a single other "tube" phono stage with the flexibility of the PH-10.  I should have it in two days, and will report back.
that was one of my main concerns on opening it up. The other being from Al,s information provided it would appear the art9 would be better suited to my musical tastes.
The ART 7 is supposed to be a fine cart as well, but if you ordered a 9 and paid for a 9, then you should....get a 9. I wouldn’t even mount the 7 in case the seller tries to tell you it can't be returned since it’s been used.

Hope it gets resolved quickly.

An art cartridge did indeed arrive, however it was not the art 9, it was the art 7, they shipped the wrong one.
They are completely in the wrong but are now baulking about replacing it with the correct one and suggest I try it which I really do not want to do.
I will work it
Well it looks like the Wireworld eclipse6 were just a poor fit in the mix.
Bought a cheap pair of Audioquest Coral xlr I saw on local cl for a test and a whole world of difference.
Still think I prefer the sound of the Nordost red dawn RCA right now but I can at least listen to the Corals without wanting to turn it off!
Grannyring is making me a couple pair of xlr cables for me to test so it is good to know it was just the timbre of the cable that did not gel here.
As I think on, the same issue arose on both the OPPO and the PH-10 sothe common factor there was the cables or the 2170 inputs.
I have ruled out the cables as being terminated incorrectly and I would be shocked if it was just the tonality of those cables making such a profound difference.
Which would leave just the xlr inputs on the 2170.
How would I easily test them?
Well cables measure correctly and thank the Lord for my lighted magnifying glass!
All go to correct pins and no multi crossed signals so next will try them in the Gold note but its time to venture to the airport for another week of fun in sunny Wisconsin!
Kind of where my thought process was moving as I noted a few posts ago that SOMETHING is likely wired incorrectly direct from the factory.
But you are right, the cables are relatively easy to test, if they pan out I guess I could plug them into the Gold note and repeat the same test which would hopefully point the way further.

And agreed it is easy to confuse the pinout from one end to the other.
We use similar style plugs for 270vac power in our equipment and some of the "apprentices " in the shop regular misconnect one end in relation to the other, good job we have circuit breakers on all!
Uberwaltz, a possibility that comes to mind, which could account for the symptoms you’ve noted with both the phono stage and the Oppo, is that the balanced cables are miswired such that their ground pin (pin 1) is interchanged with one of the two signal pins (pin 2 or pin 3) at one end. Thereby causing one of the two signals, as provided by the source component, to be connected to ground in the 2170. Which would adversely affect the performance (and eventually perhaps even the health) of the output stage of the source component.

If you have or can obtain a multimeter, check that each of the three pins at one end of each cable is connected to the corresponding pin at the other end. And also check that each of the three pins is not connected to either of the other two pins.

In doing so, it would be best to use a magnifying glass to view the pin numbers that are marked next to each of the pins, as their symmetrical layout makes it easy to confuse pins 1 and 2 with each other when comparing the two ends. And for that matter, perhaps the assembler became confused for exactly that reason :-)

Best regards,
-- Al
Only have one set right now
Wireworld gold eclipse 7.
The rca are Nordost red dawn which are traditionally supposed to give a leaner sound so I would be surprised if it was just the make of cable.
How bad it sounds I am thinking something a little more involved
Could possibly be the cables being used.

@auxinput made the pair I've been using for the past 9 months, between a few different phono stages/DAC.   DH Lab BL-Ag with Furutech gold XLR connections.  They have always sounded superb in every integration.

What balanced cables did you try?

Post removed 
I have considered the possibility of something being wrong using balanced but this would mean 1 of 3 things.

1/ Goldnote wired their xlr plugs incorrectly direct at factory.
2/ Lyngdorf wired their xlr plugs incorrectly direct at factory.
3/ Wireworld wired their cables incorrectly direct at factory.

None of those seem likely but who knows and short of opening things up I am not sure how you can easily test for mistakes like that and how to nail down which would be the culprit if this is the case.
I did a back to back on both and it was not noise floor or dynamics that were the issue.
The xlr just gave me a very bright brittle sound with loss of mid and bass. Very tipped up at the top. no manner of adjustment cured that at all.
I ran xlr at -3db and rca at present 0db.

Matched db levels with the 2170 input sensitivity but to no avail. Just sounded horrible on xlr in my system.
Very odd.
I wonder if I am missing something in 2170 setup as my OPPO was the same results although much more pronounced on the ph10
You do not have to change anything on the ph10 for the balanced output do you?

I have tried singled ended with both the 2170 & Micromega, but prefer balanced outs feeding both.

The S/N ratio on the Micromega’s balanced inputs are about +3db quieter than the singled ended inputs, and the extra gain using balanced outputs allows me to set the PH-10 at -3db gain which has a much quieter noise floor. Using singled ended outputs, I have to set the PH-10 to 0db or +3db to get the same dynamics, but can’t stand the extra noise that goes with it.

The balanced combo has sounded the best everytime, no matter which cart I’m using.

Are you still using the balanced outs from the PH-10 to feed the Micromega?
I did try the balanced vs the single ended into the 2170 and tbh preferred the sound of the single ended.
Just curious
Don’t turn my PH10 off except every 7-10 days will shut down for 2-3 hrs then turn back on. I think it helps break-in better this based on how I’ve done other gear over the years. I’m also experimenting with AC cords my dealer is loaning me to try, yes they are making a nice improvement in SQ more to come.

Have never turned mine off since buying it, apart from when I moved stuff round on the racks
Do not even turn the display off.
I also usually leave the 2170 on as well so it is instant high quality music
PH-10 owners:

Do you ever turn your PH-10 off?  

I don't think I've turned mine off for at least three weeks, even though there has been a day or two during that span that I did not use it. 

Definitely sounds better after it's been on a few hours, but I'm curious if any of you believe it's good to give it a rest every now and again?

I do usually have the display turned off, as I do with all my components.  The PH-10's screen does get quite bright, and I feel I'm at the least saving some power, but can say there's any SQ improvement with it on or off.

I look forward to reading your opinions.


I do have a number of 60,s and 70,s records and some of them need
Tbh the America Columbia curve tames the brightness and harsnhess a fair bit.
Which is why the zyx sounded better but ONLY because the vta was way to steep.
Once this was corrected riaa regular sounded the best.
Certainly glad to have the flexibility of the ph10 and think it was a very good choice for my new phono stage.
All those changes in seconds with immediate confirmation from listening not 10 minutes memory.
My PH-10 always stays on RIAA curve.  I don't think I own any records that are more than 20 years old, so no need (yet) to make curve adjustments.