Ugrade-itis - is there a cure?

If, by some "dark magic" you woke up one day and your system sounded the best you've ever heard it - AND - better than the best system you had ever listened to in a high priced audio store, would you still want to upgrade your components?

If the answer is yes - are you...
  1. an "Audio shop-o-holic"
  2. or just curious as whether that new component will make a difference 
If you are #2 - if you bought a new component and it made NO improvement - would you stop uprading?

Just curious :-)

Showing 2 responses by twoleftears

Finding a way to be happy without spending money is actually possible.
OMG, please share!!  Or write a book.

It's the thrill of the hunt.

Once you have a system that is far more than adequate, you just decide to try something different, not necessarily better, "just because".  Then it starts all over again.  Audiophiles with upgraditis are really very slow moving shopaholics.