Two Turntables? Why

OK, been thinking about this for a bit.  Why do people own two turntables?  OK, I understand some traditional uses for a 2nd turntable.  One that is just for 78's, for example.  You may be on a journey to a set up you really enjoy listening to.  You may have even gone the route of an external power supply, isolators, base, phono PreAmp.  All of the accouterments you enjoy because, well, you enjoy records.  But if you are enjoying your LPs and you have purchased a turntable, cartridge and potentially a tonearm that you really enjoy, why do you need a 2nd turntable?  

If you go through all that effort and fun to get to a sound and system that makes you happy, and many of us have, why do it for two or more turntables.  You got a good one, why do you need a 2nd?  Maybe you play all your old LPs from High School on one standard turntable and play all your MoFi and QRP copies on the better machine.  I don't know. 

So, those of you who own more than one turntable, please let me know why you have more than one.  Let me know your thinking.  I'm curious.


Showing 1 response by pgaulke60

Thanks for all the contributions.  

@tom6897 Why do I ask?  I have what I consider a good moving coil turntable & cartridge.  Together they are over &10K.  I know, I know, price isn't everything, but it sounds sweet to me.  But I am going through playing my all LPs (A-Z), that I have been collecting for 40+ years and some are not in great shape.  I like many here I cringe at using my $5K cartridge on an LP that saw weekly use in High School.  I have not dared to play any of my 78s on it either.  So, I have been contemplating a new 2nd turntable.  One that plays my 78's and other less audiophile quality stuff.  The thought of two tone arms interests me.

So, many questions floating around in my head.  Should I get good MM turntable to play the less pristine LPs?  If so, which one?  Should I get a turntable with two arms so that I can play 78's on a well paired cartridge?  I dunno.  Should I just stick with what I have because I am happy with what I am listening to now?  

But, thanks again. 

@millercarbon If turntables are like women, I'll stick with one.  Was married for 30 years, until death did us part.  That was plenty for me. But maybe old age, wisdom and a 2nd turntable may change my way of thinking.