turntable upgrade VPI or CLEARAUDIO?

I currently have a Well Tempered Classic V turntable with the graphite arm. I am running a Clearaudio Discovery cartridge into an Accoustec PH1P phono stage.

When playing records, I have the feeling that the Bass and transient attack is "muddy", or slow, and I seem to be missing the pace of the music. I have very good frequency responce, both low and high, but the detail is just not there.

My question is, is it better to look at a VPI TNT, or Clearaudio Reference turntable, to clean up the tempo and pace of my music? I know that I am looking at spending 4-5,000 dollars to make the upgrade(if I can locate a suitable used model here on agon) and I wonder if this would be money well spent.

For reference, here is my system:

Well Tempered Classic V turntable
Accoustec PH1P phono stage
Transparent Ultra Phono cable
Transparent Ultra XL cable, phono to preamp
Krell KAV 300i pre-amp
Transparent Ultra XL cable, preamp to amp
Krell KSA 250 amp
Transparent Super XL cable, amp to speakers
Hales REvelation 3 speakers

Thanks in advance, Brad

Showing 2 responses by gregadd

muddy bass can be caused by having your speakers too close to your speakers(feedback). this is a problem with turntables that don't have a suspension system. Some people even put thier turntable in another room.
Fluctuating line voltage can cause speed variations. Check voltage with a voltmeter. Careful,we can't afford to lose any audiophiles. Maybe you have a dealer nearby who wil lend you a power line conditioner.
Before you spend your money be sure you nailed down the tt as your problem.
Lastly, I don't know about clearaudio but VPI offers an elctronic flywheel. Niether turntable has a serious suspension system. A sota cosmso while not perfect at speed is essentially immune to feedback. Good Luck!