turntable speed?

My scout seems like its spinning the records a little too fast. Anyone else have this problem? Should I look for a replacement motor?
Predictable was how people in the Vinyl Asylum would be catching up to a particular modded DD turntable. What an exponential curve!
I guess I set myself up for that Psychicanimal - you're nothing if not predictable my friend...
Readster, yes: the Walker motor controller completely regenerates the AC. It converts the wall current to DC, then regenerates AC to feed to whatever you plug into it. Here's Lloyd Walker's description in an interview published at 6moons.com:
Actually the motor controller is triple-isolated from the noise of any electrical rotating equipment, meaning the motor itself and your system power. In the Ultimate Motor Controller, we use super- expensive, ultra high-speed rectifier diodes with zero recovery, the best Black Gate caps; I also use premium Solen caps and .05% nude foil resistors. The A/C is changed to D/C. We recreate the A/C sine wave and then drive the motor through another custom toroidal transformer. The 33RPM and 45RPM settings are adjusted separately and speed is selected with a switch. There's a phase switch on the side of it to set the phase for the motor. You never know how someone wound the motor - did he wind it left to right or right to left? So the phase switch is there. You listen, flip the switch, listen again, then leave the position where it sounds best. That's it.

That's right! Those lower level belt drives (regardless of brand name) can't keep accurate speed. There was somebody in the Vinyl Asylum complaining about his Michell TT. So much for that...

You know the funny thing about this post?

If Cmpromo's table had of been a Rega, the knives would have come out and fast! I can hear it now - the table would have been decreed a total piece of junk and the unanimous suggestion would have been to relegate it to the junk heap and buy a Scout. A Rega runs fast (most likely due to unstable power sources) and all of the sudden it's a total piece of junk on these boards. A Scout does the same thing (most probably for exactly the same reason) and the logical and correct answer is given….. interesting…..

I’m fully ensconced in my asbestos overcoat - let the flames begin!
Rushton, Does the walker regenerate a perfect sine wave, and filter power like the SDS does ?
had the same problem with my basis 2500 running slightly fast and inconsistent due to line fluctuations and i purchased the Walker Motor Controller and the improvement was tremendous with improvements in low level detail, soundstage and a more precise timbre of instruments...highly recommended!
A motor controller will take care of your speed concerns and will give you an overall improvement in the sound of your Scout. The VPI SDS works okay; the Walker Audio motor controller is audibly better and worth the additional cost if the cost would be consistent with where you want to move your system over time.

With either one, a KAB strobe and disc, for verifying the precise speed of your table, is a worthwhile investment, too.
Look for a VPI SDS. Not only does it filter to power an keep track of cartridge hours, it also allows for speed adjustments.
