Turntable feedback rumble problems with new sub

I have a Technics 1200 M3D and KEF LS50s. No issues. I just added a REL T7i and have a runaway feedback rumble problem at high volume. I added Isonoe footers to the table which didn’t do much. Unfortunately the table and speakers sit on a big media cabinet from Design Within Reach which is not ideal.  Not sure what the right next move is.  More turntable isolation, put footers under the cabinet legs, new turntable, new furniture, or new house?

Showing 4 responses by ronribbons

Sounds like the media cabinet isn't doing its job. Can you hear foot falls when you walk past the turntable while its playing?

Not really, but if the needle is on the record and you walk in front of the cabinet you can see the subwoofer flutter, so it’s definitely picking it up. It’s a wood floor. I don’t have anything under the cabinet legs, which are metal. 
Upon further review, even with the sub turned off, the the LS50s start to rumble if needle is on record and volume is turned up.  I never really noticed this occurring, probably because I wasn't looking for it.  I've heard that old Technics 1200s have a "rumble" issue, so I'm wondering if its present regardless of isolation efforts.  I ordered some Herbie's Fat Dots to put under the speakers, although I might try them under the Isonoe footers to see if that helps.  @chakster I adjusted the footers as you suggested, which didn't eliminate the problem.  
@millercarbon I don't think I have the skill or tool set to build a sandbox, but amazing pics.
Any thoughts on utility of turntable change, or keep tweaking the isolation.  I haven't seen stuff on springs but I'll take a look.  
I just tried moving my speakers from the console to the floor. Made a huge difference. I’m going to order stands for the speakers and do some additional isolation under the turntable and under the furniture feet and see if that eliminates it completely.  Stands are a tight fit in the room but necessary even if I tried to change the furniture. Thanks for the input all. 
As an update.  Got KEF stands for LS50s. Helped. Then Herbie’s Fat dots under the cabinet. Helped more.  Then Herbie’s Grungebuster Dots under the turntable feet. Problems almost completely gone. I have to tap on the turntable to start the feedback, but won’t occur with stylus resting on the record. It appears there is no limit to the isolation steps one can take. I may get a butcher block for under the table, or I almost have my wife convinced we need a different cabinet. Thanks again.