I used these guys for mine. Only a couple hundred bucks. Turned out great. https://www.displaycasej.com/stereo_covers.html
Turntable Dust Cover Option
Just got into vinyl again. Once I realized the cost of not only the equipment, but the cables, tubes, platforms, acoustical treatments, etc., I refused to pay over $300 to keep the dust off my VPI Scout turntable. I decided I did want something more than an old pillowcase so I started searching for options. I found this place: http://www.shoppopdisplays.com/CS001/5-sided-clear-acrylic-box-custom-size.html. They make acrylic boxes for display purposes and what better to display than a turntable. Their service was prompt, the cover was beautiful and I saved over $200! Only thing is, they don't do any custom cuts or openings in the box, so I have to cut out an opening in the back for the cables but that is not that difficult. Picture shown in link below.
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