Turntable consultation

Hello friends, and thank you for help.

I would like to have your opinion regarding improving the SQ of my turntable. Since I haven't listen to other brands except mine, which is Pro-Ject RPM 9.1 with class A cartridge and Tube Box phono, I know its very good turntable & arm, but is it class A ?

And if I upgrade the tonearm to a better one like 9cc Evo or other models will improve SQ very much and no need spend on higher level turntable ?

Or if I upgrade to higher level turntable like Signature 10, or other brands like VPI Classic 3 . How much improvement will be ?

My main goal is: resolution, musical, neutrality, and no coloration.

I'm trying to understand what best way and is it worth to spend more money.

Thank you

Showing 1 response by mattmiller

It doesnt really get better at this point ...it will just be different. If you like what your hearing now...I would just improve on Isolating the turntable with some better feet or a wooden platform base . (like mapleshade sells) You can spend lots of $$ and still be a little dissappointed.