Turn down the Volume!

One topic that seems rarely discussed is volume. If you listen to mixing engineers, it’s their most feared aspect of how their work is measured, since it’s out of their control. This leads to things like loudness wars (assume the worst). As my system has improved, my main takeaway is I can be engaged with 60db peaks, where when I hear other systems you often have to turn it up to 90db peaks for it to sound decent. I’m pretty sure it all has to do with bass and room energy, but wonder if others have a similar experience. Side note that reviews or any subjective ‘better’ statements about gear rarely indicate how loud they are listening. since all we can perceive if volume it is puzzling. I will say if it sounds good with 110 db peaks then that is impressive. 


Showing 1 response by patrickdowns

Protect your ears! Mine are 64 years old, and I am glad that I only have minor tinnitus and the typical high frequency loss above 12k. I’ve always avoided ear-damaging loud noise, including at concerts where I always wore ear plugs or improvised with kleenex. On the gun range, I’ve long used electronic muffs with foam plugs, double the protection.

Now I find that when listening to my stereo my appetite for louder volume varies (some some songs demand it! 😎), often by time of day and how long I have been listening. I have a decibel meter and try not to listen to sustained levels above 85db for very long. I typically don’t enjoy listening at low volumes, as the detail isn’t there and I have a pretty decent system with a low noise floor. I may get Ayre gear, which has a volume circuit that apparently enhances lower volume listening and holds the detail. My wife doesn’t like it too loud, so I often have to switch to headphones when she’s home in the evening.