Tune-In Stations With Great Sound

Using the Tune-In function/app, which jazz, classical, and rock stations do you feel have great SQ? 80’s New Wave too would be great…



mainly main stream jazz but varied programming on Saturday evening and Sundays

I have met their engineer (and some of their on air personalities) and they really pay attention to their sound quality

Thanks everyone, I've ‘favorited’ those mentioned and will add them to my listening repertoire.


I find for New Wave fans like my wife, the station with decent sound and the most varied playlist is 80s80s Wave.

I put on the Toronto jazz station Erik recommended and was shocked! to hear a commercial for KEF speakers. I haven’t heard a commercial for audio equipment in years…

Radio Venice is THE best sounding classical feed on TuneIn. I listen to it each day for hours, as I work from home. It also has by far the finest playlist of any classical stream, again by a huge margin.

I thought Tune In sounded pretty dull.  I have the apps to a few of my favorite stations on my phone and tablet.  I will use them at work or sometimes plug the phone into my DAC. 

I mainly use my Vault's Audicy app for radio lately. Sounds pretty good. I think there is an Audicy app for PC and Mac too