Tubes with Totem Forests?

currently running a musical fidelity tri vista integrated with my totem forests. also using a MF nu vista cd player. have been kicking around the idea of tube monoblocks - anybody have an opinion? ASL hurricanes are a possibility. please keep in mind that the totem forest can be a power hungry little speaker.

might use the pre outs from the MF tri vista to the monoblocks. open to the idea of different pre amps, too.
thanks, sutts. i'll explore that option. i live in detroit, right across the river from windsor. i can get pretty good deals on ASL stuff in canada.
I've had Totem Mani-2's, which were much more inefficient than the Forest. I used tubes with the Mani's successfully, but needed over 150wpc. I think you are on the right track with the ASL, however my current amps are purer-sounding than the Hurricane, with better clarity- they are the 60wpc ASL 1009 845-based PP tube monoblocks, and I think they would be a superb match with the Forest...
I'm using Forrests with VTL MB100.
Had for a while of service near a week Nikko Alpha SS amp 120Wpc. Tried to use it alone and seemed too bright at top end but when I connected this one in bi-amp with VTLs I experience a sound of speakers that I've never heard in ANY of the setups listened to and they were quite plenty:
Bryston 3B-st, Plinius 8200 mkII, Belles 150, Plinius SA100.
Tubes have top end and mid-range clarity unbeatable by any SS whilist good bass drive is best with SS.
I plan to add an inexpencive powerfull SS either Nikko that I loved or McCormack DNA1. I also will try make a DIY choice to build a passive sub that will be used with Nad C270, a powerfull digital beast that is great to drive a sub.
I had quicksilver m60 with my forests for a while. THen tried a Plinius 8200 II - nice change - Forests seem to need big power - maybe the Quicksilver V4 would work- that's my limited experience - Good Luck they are great sounding speakers with ANY amp...