Tubes with Infinity IRS Betas

I have always ran my mid/high panels on my Betas with a krell Fpb400cx. A friend let me borrow A pair of Primaluna Prolouge 6 Amps with Kit-120 tubes. They sound really nice but I am not sure if they are powerful enough for the Job. I have a line on a nice set of Vtl 300 deluxe mono blocks. I quess my question is what would I gain with the extra power. I listen at maybe moderate levels at best. 

Showing 1 response by erik_squires

The IRS line was um, problematic. The crossovers were designed empirically through trial and error, amplifiers be damned. Here's the measurements from Stereophile:

It's not so much the power as the wavering impedance curve with a low of 1 Ohm, far lower than most tube amps recommend, and the wavering  interacts poorly with tube amps, in the sense you won't hear a flat response anymore.

I might suggest you see if anyone has produced a better crossover for these speakers. If so, I bet they fixed the impedance issues. Otherwise, stick to beefy SS.