Tubes Became Microphonic

About 6 weeks ago I put in some NOS Sylvania 6SN7's into my Rogue Magnum 99 preamp. Just today they became microphonic. Just touching the volume knob caused a metallic sound through the speakers. Tapping anywhere on the chassis did the same. Is this common? Anyone else with similar experience? Is it just a tube issue or something else? I do plan on speaking with Rogue asap but wanted advice/experiences here. thx

Showing 1 response by johnsonwu

6922EH's are the quietest and least microphonic modern tubes out there but IMO they dont sound good at all.
I hava a bunch of NOS Teslas (not JJs), they sound decent but were extremely microphonic in my SP10 and tolerable in the Reference 1.
So here's what I did, for the input stage I use the 6922EHs
and driver stage the Teslas.
I know it goes against the theory that sonic signature is determined by the 1st stage but heck its better than that ringing sound that reminds me of effects in a horror movie.