Tubed preamp suggestions?

Well I've finally decided to sell my Supratek Syrah. I loved it but the phono stage just wasn't for me. My AT 440ml MM was overloading it and I'm just not commited enough to vinyl for that good of a phono stage. The plan now is to get a nice tubed linestage and pair it with a high quality outboard phono stage that offers both mm and mc inputs. That would work with my current cartridge and allow for future upgrades. Some units I'm considering are the Joule Electra LA-100 MKIII and the Herron VTSP1A. They both sound appealing to me, the preamp will be paired with my Cary 300B Signature monos and Alon Lotus speakers. Either one of these linestages better, or better with my setup? Any others that I should be considering. This seems as if it's going to be a slow process since I can't seem to get any sellers respond to questions or potential offers! It's really strange, I've emailed 4 different people and have yet to get a single response. Ah well, it just gives me more time to ponder and solicit some opinions from you guys. Let 'em fly! And happy new year to everyone!!

Showing 2 responses by dannoh

Upscale Audio is selling these pre-amps at what seems to be a pretty good price. Anybody know anything about this model?
Also, I seem to remember something about connecting the cd player to the tape loop of the pre-amp for a better sound. Any suggestions?
The pre-amp from Upscale is the Antique Sound Labs AQ2002DT. I'm wanting to switch to tubes, but have a pretty tight budget. Any opinions on this model?