Tube Traps and other room treatments

Interested in hearing what other "Audiogoners" are using for room treatments. Particularly interested in experience people may have in trying to treat a room to achieve good results for both music and home theater. I've just added 4 ASC Tower Cube Traps (60" high), and use two 9" full round tube traps in front of the monitor when listening to music. I've read much of the technical literature about tube traps and other treatments, but would like to hear feedback about experiences in real home listening rooms.

Showing 3 responses by rsuminsby

The argument I've heard in favor of full rounds is that you can rotate them to adjust the amount of the diffussor covering that is oriented towards the listener. I assume the Frescoes are absorbtive on one side, and diffusive on the other?
Anyone have any experience with diffusors? I've considered adding a 4'x4' RPG Skyline diffusor behind the listening position....anyone tried a similar arrangement?
Tab110s - will have to pass on the Shadow Casters; it cost me a fortune to get four large cube traps shipped to England, so any more large treatments will have to wait a year until I get back to the states. Carl - can't say I've read ALL the literature (I don't own Alton Everest's book, yet), but I've read lots in the popular journals and ASC's on-line library. The Frescoes seen like a good product..did you ever experiment with full rounds instead?