Tube sound is not about warmth. It's about correct presentation.

Agreed ? Disagreed ? Both ?




Showing 2 responses by asvjerry

...for those of us with 'aged' hearing, 'organic high frequency roll-off', one can have all the warmth one can stand and then some...

Adding my aids adds an interesting conundrum:

Would the digital items in my ears effect my realization of 'warmth' from a totally A system, represented front to drivers considered to be 'A friendly'?

Since I'm SS from front to amp, and of no pretense of whether or not my choice of speakers would have any....'preference' in their presentation....?

I occasionally think 'warmth' is the F temperature of the studio or hall of the recording.....but I'm just kidding about that....*s*

I can relate to @mahgister's comment of prejudice, but feel it's more of a 'preference'...🤷‍♂️

Re 'hybrids' pre>ss amp v. ss pre>tube amp....what would seem to occur?

Curious minds out on the limb....😏

@wolf_garcia ...Like that....👍 "Bi-Polar" might be better, but starts a whole different disc-cussion....

...Bi-spherical, we can certainly assume....*L*

(Some researchers have posited that the universe may be an inside-out black hole, which 'splains a lot to me....but I've always thought it's all in ones' head anyhow...)

...but I'm just bent that way....