Tube Rolling | Luxman CL-38uc

Hey guys!

Was wondering if I could get your advise about tube rolling on a Luxman CL-38uc.

I’m trying to avoid having to change all Tubes (I want to change them for NOS Tubes).

Since I won’t be using Phono or Tone Controls.
I will just be using the Balance Line In and Line 1/2 Out.

From what I can tell from the schematic (see below) I only would need to change the ones enclosed in green.

Here are the schematics for the CL-38uc Pre-Amp per Luxman:



My questions

- Is my assumption accurate? Or do I need to change other ones?

- Can I use other type of tubes in place of the 12AU/ECC82?
For example I have plenty of ECC83s/12AX7 If so, is there any precautions I need to be aware of?

Any help is appreciated,



Showing 3 responses by jfandr147

Thanks for the quick reply @jperry :)

Was wondering, did you change all tubes?

What do you think about just changing the 3x 12AU/ECC82 on the center section? (see my initial post)

Let me know,



Yes, those are the right tubes :) ... only 3 would be needed if you are not using phono input or tone controls.

The only caveat is that they are placed a bit differently inside on the actual unit, so a "best guess" would be needed unfortunately on picking which ones to replace. The phono input ones are clearly distinguishable, but the others not so much :(

Haven't taken the time to do that quite yet, but will try to report back when I do.

Hope that helps!

Thank you so much @acefactory ! you just saved me ton of time trying to figure that out! :) ... I'll report back on how the tube rolling goes, will try a set of Telefunken and Mazda tubes.

@jjss49 thanks for the picture, comments and your initial remarks regarding tube differences. You are absolutely right, better to stick with 12AU tubes in this case as intended (that's what I ended up doing).