Tube Preamp suggestion for the uninitiated

I'm a graduating medical student from UW Madison, and have a relatively limited budget that involves selling off everything I own on ebay in order to afford nice audio equipment. (In case you wanted to know...)

Currently have some TAD Hibachi monoblocks and monitor audio RS6 towers, and I need some tube loving preamplification after my VDAC. I have about $900 but could scrounge up to $1k if deemed quite necessary.

Perhaps advice from someone who knows what they are talking about and has the freedom to buy and try a couple of preamps? Something with nice low end and to smooth out the highs? Please no advice if you've only owned one preamp and like it! That doesn't count!
Congratulations on finishing med school! I agree with Buconero that you might want to consider selling your amps and buying a quality tube integrated. You'll also save this way by not needing to use an interconnect. Your speakers are fairly efficient at 91db with 6 ohm impedance, so any 40+ watt tube integrated will probably do the job. In addition to the Cayin, I would take a look at the Rogue Cronus and Manley Stingray.
I second the Conrad-Johnson PV-10 or PV-11. Look for one with a phonotage. You might want a turntable someday. A nice C-J preamp like this should come in a little under your budget, leaving money for some interconnects.
I am extremely appreciative of the responses that I have received so far. Thank you all very much for your time, experience and expertise.

Two mentioned getting an integrated tube...maybe this will set your teeth on edge but I actually had a TAD-60 that I sold to buy the Hibachi monoblocks on blowout ($545 shipped) because I wanted to try something different and heard good things about them paired with a tube pre. I liked the TAD-60 but the bass was a little loose and it was JUST pleasant to listen to. The Cayin and co integrated seems very cool but I doubt I could land one at $1550. Maybe if I send pictures of the cardboard box I live in (student loans are killer these days).

Speaking of interconnects, I heard Wal-Mart carries this great brand called Belkin, what do you think (I kid! I kid!). Actually, I need some advice in this realm as well. What is a good RCA interconnect that won't make me embarassed when my kids ask how much it costs as we eat white rice by the candlelight after the economy tanks (I still kid). I have heard nice things about Blue Jeans Cable,, Chrome Audio, and also some random DYI projects. However, you really believe that I have to spend more than $50 on a 1m RCA interconnect, please speak up.

To complete my ignorance, if you have any suggestions on speaker wire that follows the same vein as the RCA bit above, let us have it!
01-21-11: Eslaudio
... I agree with Buconero that you might want to consider selling your amps and buying a quality tube integrated. You'll also save this way by not needing to use an interconnect.... In addition to the Cayin, I would take a look at the Rogue Cronus and Manley Stingray.
Abso!ute Sound's review of the upgraded Rogue Cronus Magnum really has me intrigued. For a few hundred more for the Magnum version, the output power jumps from 50wpc to 90wpc, and is upgraded throughout with better caps and whatnot for better transparency. It has only one set of 8-ohm speaker terminals, but they can be user-modified (without solder) to 4-ohm taps. The review said that this amp has the transparency and realistic midrange we like tubes for, but also has wide bandwidth, deep, controlled bass, and speed more like solid state. It used to be that a tube amp that could do both (e.g., VTL) cost big bucks.
I don't know that you have to spend more than $50 but if you did I would suggest Nordost's Red Dawn, they are available used for about 150-220 on average. I enjoy Nordost with tube equipment especially as they seem to provide some edge or speed that is somewhat marginally absent without. Others may differ on this. Look them up in the archives for further info.