Tube Preamp.. On or Off?

I have a Sonic Frontier Line 2 PreAmp. Considering that I live in California and our electricity rates are "rapingly" high, my wife have asked me repeatly to turn off my electronic gears. The big questions is....I was wondering should I leave my preamp on all the time, turn it to stand by mode, or turn it off completely? Will the life of my tubes be shorter if I leave the preamp on all the time? What do you other tube owners do? Is there a lost of sound quality if your tube gears are not warmed up? What about tube amps? Should one leave a tube one all the time? What's a good breaking point to turn your tube gears if you're not listen to it? 3-5 hour break? Thanks in advance for your help.

Showing 1 response by czbbcl

I have a CJ Premiere 17ls. I leave it in stand-by mode or I turn it off if I am not going to be listening for awhile. Leaving it on will shorten the life of the tubes as you have found out.