Tube preamp: Cary SLP-03 vs Schiit Freya+

Hello all.

I realise it’s a slightly odd comparison, given the age gap, but I’m looking to add a tube preamp to my all-SS chain (Mytek Brooklyn Bridge going straight into ELAC Navis powered speakers). The Schiit Freya+ has been getting rave reviews, especially for its price point and its versatility (passive, buffer or tube), but is currently back-ordered and also it is said to feel a bit flimsy (no miracles). As a result I have been looking at older, formerly more expensive, tube preamps that can be had for a similar price today, leading me to the Cary SLP-03. I have also looked for ARC, BAT, etc but they all tend to be well above my price range (max 1500). 
Would you, we’ll-read and listened fellas, have any views on the above choice or any other recommendations? I’ve been scouring forums and used gear websites for literally tens of hours and I need a bit of advice at this point.

Many thanks in advance!


Showing 1 response by avanti1960

The Cary SLP 03 is not balanced but will give you a stunning tube based sound including eerily realistic tones, superb transparency and a wall to wall floor to ceiling soundstage. it will be difficult to find that in a balanced preamp unless you spend more. A Modwright LS 100 is good and has 1 balanced input but not as transparent as the Cary.