Tube integrated for Devore Super Nines

Hola compadres. I’ve been away a while - reading forums and reviews, cogitating and dreaming. I’ve been out of work for almost 5 years doing odd jobs, but am back to work and celebrating, in part, by putting together a new system. It’s a lot of good fun and really satisfying. I’ve started with a new pair of Devore Super Nines that are just about broken in and love them!

I’m looking at three tube integrateds to potentially replace my VPI 299d and hoping for some input around their matching the Devores and my sonic preferences - I like a big, quiet, well defined soundstage, some warmth and bloom, solid but not overly tight or tubby/diffuse bass and value musicality and swing over the last detail. 
Decware Zen Torii - bespoke, point to point, plenty of tube rolling to tailor sound, lifetime warranty, amazing service.
Raven Blackhawk - solid, well built and reviewed/appreciated, amazing service, 6L6GC based
Cary SLI-80 F1 style - a classic, 6SN7’s, would mod it up - curious about the HS vs. tube rectified.

The VPI 299d with GL KT-88’s and NOS Mullards up front sounds generally great, but really isn’t drawing me into the tunes the way I think I could be with the Devores.

The PrimaLuna Prologue I had previously seemed sort of shouty, but calmed down with some Mullards and Winged c 6l6GC’s. The VPI is more tonally right to my ears and I’ve loved the full romantic sound of DJH style modded AES’ PH1 and AE3. Octals up front really sound best to me, but I can live with the 9 pinners.

If I could afford a Leben CS600x, I would, but not right now anyway.

Happy holidays, be well and stay safe, and enjoy the tunes!
Looking forward to your thoughts..

Showing 6 responses by budburma

Thanks, Yeah, @noromance me, too. Have your heard either? Or, better yet, both? Very sweet vinyl rig you've got going.

Nice endorsement from Charlie Shaw, too, @wig. Thanks for that! Definitely worth considering - I'll keep it mind. BTW, nice collection of tubes you've got - the '40's Syl 6sn7w's are the cream. I had a box full fo them at 80/pair when I swore off tubes at one point. Rats! And so it goes....And I just ran into the SW1X digital line-up - sure reads nicely and I imagine sounds really great
@wig Just looked through Audio Circle (thanks for the reminder!) and couldn't find a lot direct comparison comments. Maybe that thread got disappeared. There was plenty of praise for both - definitely a big fan base for Don Sachs and some a Berning fan or two. And Daedalus - man they are beautiful speakers. I'll no doubt do a deeper dive later today.

I emailed with Don a bit - the only reservation I have is the UL config. I've liked Triode better, especially with the VPI. He maintains that UL in a superior product will be....welll,,,,superior! He's changed business models to customers getting in a queue for each piece of gear as he builds them in a less harried more self directed pace. Sounds like a good philosophy! Actually less pressure in both directions. I got in the queue and am very close to fully committed, but able to take some time to look around still. 

Raven and Decware still hold some interest for me - I'm still casting about for direct comparisons and experience matching with Devores - Gibbon series in particular...
@wig  Wow. Don Sachs. No kidding, nice! Moving to the top next to Decware.

@cymbop The Triton heated up my living on demo to sauna temp a few years back on demo. Nice sounding, but was a little aggressive and ran hot, hot, hot.
@goldprintaudio Thanks for that - I enjoyed talking with you - you carry some very nice gear. I'd stilll definitely go with the Leben if I could, but that will have to wait patiently....errr...I'll have to do the waiting. In the meantime, the info that's being offered here is really helpful with the searches and research(es) being engendered have been engaging and insightful. It can be a great community, as it is now on this thread!
So, here's a more to the point question: room or gear?! 

- Would dropping serious money on gear be somewhat wasted without being able to use/tune a room specifically for listening?

-My living room is not a dedicated space, not ideal and doesn't allow for a full treatment/best set up. Jim Smith's book is helping quite a bit. 

Probably best for another thread - (although likely already ad nauseum discussed here and elsewhere...since when does that stop anyone!) Ha!
Thanks, @mresseguie . Nice group of goods! I imagine that's a really musical tuneship to travel on.

Daedalus look so very nice. The Muse Studio was on my short, short list along with Devore - the Super Nines came up first at a great price and I'm glad they did!

Having just learned of Don Sachs and SW1X, they're getting the once and twice over and appear very appealing. 

I'm not unhappy with either my Cary 306/200 as a DAC or the VPI 299d, but am definitely on the upgrade path. After an off thread exchange with millercarbon, I'm inspired to be patient and maybe sit pat until I can make more of an end game move; save and wait on the true object of my desire - Leben CS600x.

BUT, of course and how things go, after that discussion, I'll be placing to call to Dave at Raven to discuss their elite series integrateds - The Raven integrated in particular. I think the 18wpc would be enough. John Devore thought the 15 offered by the Leben CS300 might leave me a little wanting depending on music and volume. A little more, a little better....and the 300b driven by octals, well, that looks an awful lot like my wheelhouse.