Tube Dac ?

My system: McIntosh C500 tube pre

                    Berning ZH270 x 2 amps

                    TT and CDP

My question; would a tube DAC help or hinder?


Showing 1 response by azbrd

so here is at little info relating to a DAC with a tube output stage:

Dynamic range is the difference in volume between the quietest and the loudest passage, commonly measured in decibels (dB).

Since 1-bit = 6dB:

  • 16-bit Red Book CDs have a dynamic range of over 96dB.
  • 20-bit digital master tape has a dynamic range of over 120dB.
  • 24-bit modern HD formats have a dynamic range of over 144dB.

DACs with tube output stages: the lowest noise floor on a tube output stage is about 90dB which means despite whatever the manufacturers may claim they can't even resolve a 16-bit recording.