Tube amp with volume control vs. with a proper pre

There are tube amps (such as the art audio) with a volume control that can be used without a pre-amp. What is the benefit of this? Is it more direct? Is a pre unnessessary?
Personally I wouldn't be without an active pre-amp and I certainly would not want a 2d VC in the chain. Boils down the the active v passive issues discussed here so often.
I'm generally of this mindset too, but since I purchased my TAD 60 I've softened my position some. The TAD is much more sensitive than any other amp I've used, and with a single CD input I'm not at all missing an active preamp. I was actually surprised when I first hooked it up this way . . . it was the first time I've been satisfied with a passive preamp.
You've got a great summmary of the issue already posted. Passive vs active is an issue, the occasional tube amp will have an input selector with room for 2 or 3 sources. Some disc players have a higher output to start than others. I've got a modified player on which the mod knocked the output down quite a bit which wouldn't work well at all with a passive pre. This would be a time when I might look a little harder at reviews than I would otherwise. And if you see a "but it really opened up when in put my active brand X preamp in front of the amp" you'll know to move on.
Larry R
My Raysonic 168 ($2500) has an awesome tube output with remote volume control. Good enough to retire my PS Audio GCP 200/GCPS ($3K!)