Tube amp recommendations to drive Joseph Audio speakers

Looking for a tube amplifier to drive my Joseph Audio Pulsar 2 Graphene speakers.  Preamp in the system is an Audio Research Reference 2 Mk II, cables are full loom Zavfino.


Have been using a Pass XA25, but while detailed and clean, the sound is just a little too yin (lean) for my taste.  Want a little more tonal color, density, and bloom to the sound.


Hope to stay around $5K new or used.




Showing 1 response by avanti1960

I suggest the leanness you are hearing is likely from your preamp- notes from a review:

"Notes on Tonal Structure

I should note that the tonal integration of the Reference Two… the sense of "top-to-middle-to-bottom tonal balance and proportion" was very good. Overall, it’s my distant impression that this preamp does just a touch better with tube amps than solid state—the level of detail delivered to the wrong solid-state amp could definitely err in the grievous direction of dryness, which would be a real shame. High frequency extension was truly excellent; the midrange was neutral; the bass was controlled, though with perhaps a touch of leanness with the Linn Klimax."


The reason I believe this is that I had the XA25 with my Cary Audio preamp and it was too mid bass heavy - so I sold it.

Regardless, possibly one of the best sounding systems I have heard in my audio life is a set of JA Pulsars driven by a Rogue Audio RP-5 preamp and Stereo 100 power amp. Sound was punchy, super clean and refined. Amazing !