Tube amp kit build question

Hi everyone. I'm building a chinese kit. XraytonyB did a an excellent build series of it on youtube . It seems like a good kit but the instructions are absolute crap. I'm to the point of wiring the transformers. They included a thick wire, about the size and shape of a computer power cord. It consists of 4 small wires (appx 22-24 gauge each) color coded red black green and yellow. Encased in a thick black shield. No end terminals on either side. The instruction don't make mention of the shielded wire and they enclosed multitudes of miscellaneous wires. I didn't use any of them as I wanted to use a higher quality wire. I'm a novice and I don't know the rules of thumb regard where to use the shielded wire. I can only guess perhaps it should run between the 110v a/c input to the power transformer? If anyone can enlighten me I'd really appreciate it . BTW I wanted to include a jpeg of the wire but I can't find anywhere to attach it. 
It seems like a good kit but the instructions are absolute crap.

Sounds more like a box of parts than a kit.

You might try looking for any numbers on the transformer, plugging what you can find into a browser, crossing your fingers hoping for a schematic.

Or ping the YouTuber. Lotta those guys read their comments. Fingers crossed.

China. Good one.
I wanted to include a jpeg of the wire but I can't find anywhere to attach it.
Post it to your system page.