Isn’t it odd that many focus on measurements of audio gear all related to what essentially is a creative process of musicians, recording and mastering engineers all working towards the common goal to entertain our sense of hearing. This is nothing new. Back in the 60s (yes, I’m that old) the chief engineer at a magazine called Stereo Review, i think his name was Julian Hirsch, took the stance that if it measured the same it sounded the same. He measured over 4000 pieces of gear for that magazine.
A Measurementista will criticize a piece of gear because of a minor frequency response deviation while the guy in the recording booth is thinking " I think I will turn up the bass a bit on the mixing console..... there, that sounds better"
A bit like those who focus on wine tasting (another sensory experience) on a 100 point scale.
Standing joke.
Q. What does a 95 point wine taste like?
A. Better than a 94 point wine and not as good as a 96 point wine.