Not sure this is right Forum but I'm desperate. I have an  Tube Research Labs amp  that the owner Paul Weitzal made for me 9 or 10 yrs ago.  January 2019 the amp started to cut out,  contacted Paul but learned he had pasted away.  Received email  from TRL  saying  still in business with new Owners.   Gregg from TRL contacted me and told me to shipped it to an  address in Houston which I did, insured for $5,000.  A few weeks later around the end of Feb. Gregg sent me an email telling me the amp was over heating. The 1st of March I email  Gregg with instructions on what I wanted done. That is the last time I had any contact with Gregg!!!!! I sent email after email to TRL pleading for someone to tell me where my Amp is????? The last of week of August,  I sent an  email to TRL saying if I didn't hear from anyone I will go to stereo sites and tell my story!!  Immediately had phone call from  Leon in  NEW YORK asking me "what 's going on?"After explaining the situation to Leon, said "would call me back in a couple days". So needless to say  Leon never called back and when I call,  he is never there and leaving a message does no good.  I'm hoping someone can tell me what to do????IF nothing else, do not do business with "Tube Research Labs"
Thanks Kim
@tonykay Sounds like you are talking about General Electric, which as far as I am aware doesn’t produce any audiophile-oriented products. While some readers of your initial post have most likely interpreted your reference to "GE" as pertaining to GoldenEar Technology.

-- Al

I am going to defend small operations.   Where else are you going to get hand soldered point to point equipment?  I recently bought a tube pre-amp from such a place: Aric Audio (not real expensive at $1300), and love it. He also sells some more expensive stuff.  If the gear lasts longer than the owner of the company, I think you have made a good purchase.
almarg, I picked "GE" up from the response by stereo5. My comment about GE is certainly valid. I can't verify whether GE makes any stereo-related products and its not worth combing the shelves at Best Buy to find out. Thanks for pointing out that some will associate GE with Golden Ear Technology.