Transport Recommendations

Hi All: I am looking for recommendations for a CD transport under 2K. I prefer new. and am considering ProJect, Audiolab, Schitt, and Primare - your thoughts? Any brands I may be missing? Thanks!


Showing 2 responses by vthokie83


One more thing to consider, the Jays CDT2 MKIII includes and native HDMI I2S output

+++++++1 for the Audiolab 6000CDT, at $600 it is an absolute steal.....I still own mine and have no immediate plans to replace, it's not a weak link in my system. I've had zero problems with mine, and it's used almost daily for 2 years

++++++1 for the Jay's Audio CDT2 MKIII, best transport I've ever heard in my system, and what I will buy whenever I upgrade