Transcendent T16 OTL amp - bias question (& general tips)

So my buddy brings his over yesterday. Enjoying on my Tannoy Cheviot, sweet match. Letting me use for a spell.

Question for other owners: how to check / set the bias? He may have manual but he's not sure. He has 10 or so amps.  

Other tips? Experiences? My 1st ever OTL experience. So far so good. 

Showing 1 response by bdp24

Too bad Roger Modjeski (Music Reference, RAM Tube Works) is no longer with us. He had worked on a couple of Transcenent OTL amps, and had even come up with fixes for their "problems".

I don't know if he can help, but I would give Tom Carione at Brooks Berdan, Ltd. a call. He is at least familiar with the Atma-Sphere OTL's, and tube amps in general. He does factory-authorized repair work on VTL and Jadis amps and pre-amps too.