Tracing vintage equipment serial number #39nnn

In the case of an ad posted on a well-established website, how should I trace a particular audio component - well-established brand - using its serial number? I am speaking of a Thorens TD-124 and at this point I shall only reveal a partial number - I am obviously and cautiously vetting legitimacy. Perhaps an owner has the serial number marked on a left-over document and wonders whatever happened to it. 

Feel free to opine! 


According to the Orion Audio Blue Book, this model turntable was made from 1960-1970. I doubt if Thorens USA would be of any help.

1) do they keep track of audio exchanges, and

Probably not unless it was re-registered with them.

2) what is a GOOD contact info?

Contact Us - Thorens USA

I’m not really sure what you are trying to do? See if it is stolen?

Seems easy but

1) do they keep track of audio exchanges, and

2) what is a GOOD contact info? 

how should I trace a particular audio component - well-established brand - using its serial number?

Contact Thorens?