Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.

Showing 12 responses by nonoise

There's also these footers from Lehmann Audio. Just read about them a day ago. Something about string suspension and the speakers would literally rock if pushed but the benefits were very positive.

The best part is they only go for €200 (about $236.18) for a set of 4. That's in the EU so there should be a price hike stateside, but worth looking into.

All the best,
Here’s someone who tried a product similar to Nobsound (there are many manufacturers making the same product) and he didn’t like what they did for the sound. It wasn't until he tweaked it that it started to become acceptable but he had a ways to go before he could report back.

All the best,
Which is all the same thing. Just differing verbiage.
I think that one statement kind of summed it all up. 

Lot of projection in that last post. Why is it some here think others do things for the same reasons they do? 

I know!. It's a validation of their sad and predictable behavior.
Nothing more.

All the best,
there’s a new DIYer in town.- nonoise
Is that millercarbon?
No. I believe he's referring to Townsend and his line of products, who had to start as a DIYer. Trading one guru for another. 

All the best,

This is turning into a conflation of Tales of Brave Ulysses and the Perils of Pauline.

rix, thanks, that’s the one. The one where he effused with over the top abandon at Townsends cables. One can still see the backhanded compliment to Denny and Gabriel as now there’s a new DIYer in town.

As to "when did he start" I know the question is of course not genuine but born in jealousy. Anyone truly without an axe to grind would ask only, "Does the stuff perform as he says? Are his evaluations accurate?"
Jealousy? Really? I, and others here, are still waiting for your apology.
Until then, I will look askance at anything you say or advocate.

All the best,
Going back a bit MC was always touting the benefits of SR products to the skies for anyone within ear shot. Right around the time he started touting Townsend products I remember a throw away line he had about Ted Denny being an enthusiastic DIYer and not in the same league as Townsend. I could be wrong (a quick search turned up nothing) but it really struck me at the time that he'd say something like that, which made me sit up and take notice.

Did one avenue close and another open?

All the best,
The goal with our systems is to get it down to below where it matters for us, 
A Freudian slip or acknowledgement of your involvement with Townsend and the new job on the horizon, at the expense of those here?

All the best,