totem model one signature with ayre ax7e?

Really like my Model One Signatures. Last year I bought an Ayre CX7e cd player which I also really like. Current electronics are Parasound Halo A23 and P3. These are not bad but I want to (A) get all I can out of the Totems and (B) run my Ayre cd player fully balanced. The Parasounds have XLR inputs but I don't think they are truly fully balanced. I have a small dedicated room and do not listen at ear-splitting levels, however I do sometimes crank the volume just a little, or at least I want to be able to sometimes. Listen to jazz, prog rock (King Crimson, Yes), female vocals, small ensemble classical, some old rock on vinyl.
So, the Ayre AX7e is an obvious choice for electronics upgrade, however I am a little concerned that it may be slightly underpowered for the Totems. My dealer does not have the AX7e in stock.
Is anyone using this combo? Or has anyone heard these together? Trying not to make an error.
thanks, Jim
Yes, I'm not sure why I'm over-thinking this. I too wrote to Totem for suggestions and the answer was Ayre AX7e, Naim Nait, Plinius 9200, and one of the Mac integrateds, can't remember which one. I then asked for a tube integrated recommendation, and your AR was their suggestion. My dealer (I'm in Dallas) has Ayre and AR so I just need to go and try both. Leaning toward the Ayre because of system synergy. Is the AR balanced? I need to run the CX7e fully balanced.
The AX-7e is one of several integrateds suggested by Totem to run the Model 1's.

I have tried the AX-7e with the Totem Model 1's at store, wonderful combination but finally ended up with AR VSI55/Totem model 1's. The Model 1's match very well with tubes.
I can't imagine the AX-7e would have too little power for your needs. Your Totems are 4 Ohms nominal, and the AX-7e doubles-down at 4 Ohms. Also, remember using the balanced outputs of the CX-7e will net you +6 dB over the single-ended inputs.

I don't think you'll regret the AX-7e / CX-7e combo.