
Responses from hifi7477

totem model one signature with ayre ax7e?
No Is the VSI55 is not balanced 
totem model one signature with ayre ax7e?
The AX-7e is one of several integrateds suggested by Totem to run the Model 1's.I have tried the AX-7e with the Totem Model 1's at store, wonderful combination but finally ended up with AR VSI55/Totem model 1's. The Model 1's match very well with ... 
Tube amp speaker output 4 ohms VS 8 ohms
It's very interesting, thank Atmasphere 
Tube amp speaker output 4 ohms VS 8 ohms
Thanks everybody 
Tube amp speaker output 4 ohms VS 8 ohms
Hi,My speakers are the 4 ohms Totem Model One signatureRegards