Hey Taylspin, did you ever sell your Totems and get the Spendor 8Se? If so, let us know what you think? I have a 20' x 15' room and am very seriously considering the 8Se, but I have yet to find a dealer close where I can hear them. I heard the 5Se and really liked it's sonic presentation. It's just too small for my room.
I also fell in love with the ProAc D25, but it is a lot more $$$ than the Spendor 8Se. Has anyone compared the ProAc D25 to the Spendor 8Se?
I also fell in love with the ProAc D25, but it is a lot more $$$ than the Spendor 8Se. Has anyone compared the ProAc D25 to the Spendor 8Se?