Toslink VS coax VS other forms of Digital transfer

I am new to this forum and relatively new to digital audio in its present forms… My question, is there a "better way" from a technical or sonic view to connect devices to my new DAC?  

I have a Sonos connect unit which I use as a tuner and Tidal source as well as a few music playlists. It has an optical output, coax and the usual RCA single ended… I am auditioning an AQ power cable that has improved the sound a bit..

Sonos makes for  a lot of access and convenience however, I have never found the sound quality to be satisfying… I am told that going into the DAC optically will improve on that to a point… Bluesound is supportive of higher res files and I am sure there are other units that may be better yet…  Any thoughts?
Thx Cj
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Showing 1 response by kijanki

Toslinik vs Coax.  It is a system thing.  Coax, because of faster transitions is less sensitive to system noise, but have some sensitivity to ambient noise and reflections within the cable (use <8" or >1.5m cable), as well as ground loops.  Toslink does not create ground loops and is immune to ambient electrical noise, but because of slow transitions is sensitive to system noise.  The best is to try both.