Tornado and Thunder Power Cables

Hi all,

I am going to be upgrading my power cables for my preamp, 2 channel power amp and 5 channel power amp and I have chosen the following power cables to use in my setup:

1m Tornado(source)- preamp
2m Tornado(high current)- 2 channel power amp
1m Tornado( high current)- 5 channel power amp

In terms of bringing the cost down, if I used a 1m Thunder power cable for the 5 channel amp instead of the 1m Tornado(high current) would I be missing anything sonically by not using a Tornado HC power cable? Does anyone in the forum have a similar setup or are using a Thunder HC power cable as well mixed with the Tornado power cables? If so, what are your thoughts? Would it be better to just keep it all the same brand of power cable consistent or is there a huge sonic difference between the two power cables that would warrant me to stay with the Tornado HC power cable for my 5 channel amp?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts. Much appreciated.



Showing 1 response by vanson1

As an electrical engineer I always wonder about the choices people make in searching for better sound. 

I will state that the power supply is where the magic begins. 

A robust well designed PS is key. 

Most quality equipment has that. 

What happens before the power supply is moot. 

If this was the case,  why not replace the wires from the outlet receptical to the fuss box?

Then back from there? 

There is no downside from upgrading a power cable,  more secure connection and getting the perfect length but don't expect it to affect the sound quality. 

Invest your money into good speakers first.  Then a good source Then compatible equipment in between. 

Room acoustics and maybe room correction software. 

Just my 2cents.