The best 5 are...
Soundesign, mega 9.1
York, The processor
Sears Kenmore 11.1 processor
Audiovox, The Vox
and Nokia's new "7.1 with cellular". Why be stuck in a closed room when we can have 7.1 on the bus!
Sorry guys, just having some fun! This is truely an intersting thread, but I also laugh at how us guys fill our time. I am to blame too! These are only the type of things that guys most do.
Soundesign, mega 9.1
York, The processor
Sears Kenmore 11.1 processor
Audiovox, The Vox
and Nokia's new "7.1 with cellular". Why be stuck in a closed room when we can have 7.1 on the bus!
Sorry guys, just having some fun! This is truely an intersting thread, but I also laugh at how us guys fill our time. I am to blame too! These are only the type of things that guys most do.