Tonearm sugestion

Hi, I’m a first time poster and seeking suggestions for tonearms and cartridges for a luxman pd441 table (just purchased with a Sme 3009 s2 arm)
The rest of the system is Revel Ultima gem speakers, Rel t7i sub and Peachtree nova 300 (next planed upgrade)
Haven’t hooked up my system in 20+ years but decided in setting up my old equipment this past winter and found that my old stereo system is tired and needs updating. So I’m on the long road of doing lots of research and making mistakes.
Spent 10 years in my youth dj’ing and I realized my hearing is gone in the upper register, because of, it might be a futile pursuit in trying to seek Hi-Fidelity reproduction from my equipment.
Any and all suggestions welcome on the whole system.

thanks all


Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Your hearing does not matter because your ears are not microphones feeding data to a chip. You are listening to music, presumably for emotional satisfaction, so whatever your listening tells you is better for that, is better for that. So pay attention to what pushes those buttons and go that way, and never waste a moment worrying about what others think. Put on Sinatra- I gotta be me!

I generally feel it is better with turntables to think of them as a whole micro-system of four components- turntable, arm, cartridge, and phono stage. At the budget end or for a first table it is fine to get the whole thing as a package with the phono stage a card in a integrated amp. Once you have something like say a $5k VPI with arm and cart, then from there definitely look for a $5k arm to put on it and not a whole new rig. 

But you are in kind of a gray area where it could make good sense either way. You might be better off looking at a whole new table/arm/cart instead of trying to put a really good arm on a very tired old table.  

Then again if you clean and lube the bearing and put the whole thing on Townshend Pods or Nobsound springs that tired old table might sound pretty damn fine. You just never know. Which is why my advice is to consider your options, chew on it a while, and see what bubbles up.