Tonearm resonance

Always have had an issue with tonearm noise. I can't afford the the to spend a fortune on a turtable but I just love the sound of vinyl. I have an MMF 7.3 with the stock tonearm and ortofon bronze cartridge which I'm planning to upgrade to a Hana EL most likely. Anyway, I just saw Funk Firm decouplers online the other day and am curious as to whether it is effective or not. If anyone has had experience with it I would love to hear about it. Thanks


Showing 1 response by lewm

I'm sorry, but I still don't know what you mean by tonearm noise.  Tonearm bearings can be noisy, but I would think only on a very cheap tonearm.  Anti-skate devices can introduce a source of vibration by several different mechanisms.  But otherwise, what you interpret as tonearm noise may be failure to properly dissipate energy put into the tonearm by the cartridge, particularly low compliance LOMC cartridges that can't dissipate their own energy efficiently due to lack of compliance. In that case, I would not take steps to isolate the cartridge from the headshell; you might make matters worse.  Wish I could hear what you are finding objectionable.  The Cartridge Man thingy and the Cartridge Enabler are controversial to say the least.  For me, a no-no. I want the cartridge to be as tightly coupled to the headshell as possible and for the headshell to be efficient at dissipating energy.