Tonearm resonance

Always have had an issue with tonearm noise. I can't afford the the to spend a fortune on a turtable but I just love the sound of vinyl. I have an MMF 7.3 with the stock tonearm and ortofon bronze cartridge which I'm planning to upgrade to a Hana EL most likely. Anyway, I just saw Funk Firm decouplers online the other day and am curious as to whether it is effective or not. If anyone has had experience with it I would love to hear about it. Thanks


Showing 7 responses by johnnybwood

Not noise, resonance. Vibration through the tonarm from the stylus raising the noise floor.

It's getting a lot of raves on other forums. I might have to give it a try. If I do I will be sure to report my findings.

The table came with a full molded carbon fiber tonarm and it's definitely better than the aluminum tube numbers I've had (thorens td325 comes to mind) which sounded like an aluminum tube in the background. This arm is better but it's still transferring background noise through it. I'm reasonably sure that's the culprit. I don't have any illusions of backgrounds as quiet as a digital player at my price point but I would like to get close. Thanks for the input.

Tried removing the lid completely instead of just leaving it up during play and background improves somewhat but doesn't solve the the whole problem. Motor is separate from the the plynth. Good quality stand on carpet over concrete so that shouldn't pose an issue. Interested in the Funk article jwr159 spoke of and will take a minute to check that out. 

I would just like to experience a blacker background and I really think tonearm noise is feeding back through the cartridge. That's how it sounds to me. I could be way off base but I thought that might be a good place to start. I certainly appreciate any and all thoughts and theories on the subject. I might have to try it just to find out. Of course it is not as simple as installing just the Houdini. VTA has to be addressed as well as other critical alignments so the the prospect is a bit daunting. I came set up so who knows how well that was done. Maybe it's time to get serious about proper setup full stop! Their recommended anti skating was not right and it was obvious so other aspects probably need tracking also. After all, how much time are they taking at the facility for a 1500.00 tt. Maybe a trial run on  my old Rega p1 to start with and see how it goes with that.

Furshur not a lot of fans of the bronze but still a step up from what I had. I believe also an Ortophon OM2. Was considering a Hana EL. Just bought a pair of Rel s510 subs and one of my amps lost a channel right after so I’m a bit spent out for the moment. As soon as I get my wind back from that I will be diving into turntable issues whole hog! Will need a laundry list of alignment tools for that venture. Cheers 

HAD money for subs! I love vinyl but it’s not the only source I listen to. Certainly tweaking what I have is a worth while effort and a means to leapfrog to something better down the road. Any thing I do now could be applied there including cartridge, isolation (like the Funk) and alignment tools.Yes, a VPI or Linn is a worthwhile upgrade but for now I have to work with what I’ve got. All part of the joy!  
 I will be playing with isolation techniques in the meantime and reporting back to this thread with any noteworthy findings in the future.
