Toddler-Friendly Budget Speakers?

Looking ahead to our baby becoming a toddler, can anyone recommend a good pair of relatively cheap (by audiophile standards) toddler-friendly speakers? I guess the most important factor is something that won't tip over easily. Whether that means floorstanding or (bolted) standmount, I have no preference. I should add that we have a pretty small space, so huge speakers won't really work. The other factor is durability, specifically some solid set of durable and effective grilles to keep prying little fingers from the delicate driver units. I realize that's a rather difficult characteristic to find, which leads to the final factor: relatively low price. So that if they do see some damage, I can live with the loss in value. Definitely something around $1000 or under (well under preferable), used or new.

Showing 2 responses by mapman

A used pair of older OHM Walshes with the sloping cabinets are fairly hard to tip over, have a fairly small footprint can be had for not much, and the drivers are enclosed in a metal can. Hows that for isolation?

I had narrow floorstanders and planars, both easy to tip, in addition to the OHMs when my kids were young. SOmehow, it was never an issue. They probably just knew not to mess with Daddy's speakers!
Actually, some visiting kids accidentally tipped over my B&W P6s once. Luckily, by chance, there was something standing next to them that prevented the fall. So yes, accidents do happen!

The OHMs with the sloping veneer are pretty stable and rugged and no delicate parts are exposed. I did accidentally bump into one once in the dark at a fair pace and knock it over onto a thinly carpeted concrete fpundation and it survived just fine. Wouldn't recommend doing that intentionally though!

Can't think off anything else as inherently kid proof offhand. Sound great too!

BTW, I have no affiliation and cannot vouch, but there is a very nice looking pair of OHM Walsh 4s as I describe up for sale. That's a very big sound with a very easy and formidable upgrade path available even if desired for not a lot of money!


Those are pretty heavy also. I doubt a toddler could tip them.