Budget Integrated for Aerial Acoustics 6Ts

I asked a similar question a month or so ago but I want to rephrase since things are more concrete now.

I have inherited a pair of Aerial Acoustic 6T speakers along with Transparent Super cables.

They will be used in my living room at home. I already have another primary system in my listening room/den.

The living room is pretty much my wife’s room and is relatively formal in a 90 year old home. She is allowing the speakers but would not be happy with a big rack of components and cables and that is perfectly fair.

The speakers will be used mostly for casual listening. Usually via Sonos. I know that is beneath those speakers but that’s just the reality of the situation.

So, I need something to drive them that will be small, discrete and affordable. Sadly my budget is no more than $700. The less the better for domestic tranquility and I’m already pushing the envelope in that regard.

I am drawn to the Sonos Amp. $650. Simple small all-in-one package. Discrete and out of sight.

However, I do have a Sonos Connect that I could plug into any small discrete integrated. And that is my question. Are there any small, discrete integrateds worthy of these speakers for less than $700 that would be a better choice than the Sonos Amp?

Thanks again for revisiting this question,
There’s a NuPrime IDA-8 integrated on US Audio Mart for $650 that at least won’t insult the Aerials. There’s also the PS Audio Sprout 100 for $699 new that offers a very small footprint, wood veneer, and an onboard DAC and phono pre.  I’m guessing the wife would prefer the Sprout.  Best of luck in your search.
Ditto the Sprout100 as it has a defeat-able loudness feature that should come in handy with low volume listening (your speakers do low level well, but added help won't hurt).
