To Mod Denon DVD-5900 or not?


It looks like there are a bunch of people here who have modded Denon DVD-2900, 3910, and 5910. I hardly see anyone who have modded their Denon DVD-5900 from all these available mod shops. Why is this? I currently have a stock Denon DVD-5900 and was wondering if it is worth modding? Would like real owners/past owners to respond and share their expereinces good or bad about their modded Denon 5900 player and what they compared it to. Mods can cost from $1500 - $3000 plus, so this can get pricey and is it worth it?

Would I be better off selling my Denon (recoup some money back), and buying a (stock/un-modified) used Ayre C-5xe, Cary SACD 306, Classe CDP 202, Esoteric SA-60, or Marantz SA-1, SA11, SA-7, etc? Which way will I get more bang for my buck? Most interested in strong redbook CD playback and SACD as an added plus.

Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

Well I would say that you don't see modded Denon 5900's because the mod fad is relatively new. It has been picking up steam, but really only goes back a year or so. I know that mod companies have always been out there, but the Denon line really only became fashionable lately. I have heard of modded Denon 2900's though. I heard a Exemplar modded 2900. By the time mod companies became real fashionable the 2910/3910/5910 series was the established line from Denon. FWIW, I would think that a modded 5910 and 5900 would sound very similar, the difference would be the video performance.

As for the value of mods, this has been discussed here before and is a topic of hot debate. You may want to search the archives. Yes, I agree with Vman71, it does improve the sonics. However, make sure you plan to keep the unit, as you will never come close to re-couping your investment. You'll find that when selling modded equipment, even from a reputable mod company, you will have little interest and lose a bunch of money.

I do like listening to equipment from different mod companies, but I prefer to buy them with the mod already done, it's much cheaper this way. I currenly have two machines from different mod services. One had a $2800 mod that I paid about $500 more than a stock used one for, and the other has two mods totally $3600 that I paid about $700 more than a used one for. So figure if you pay for the mod yourself, if you ever sell it you'll get about 20-25 cents back on the dollar. Not a good investment IMHO.

I think modded units can easily compete with the more expensive stock units, however, the more expensive stock units will hold their value better and be easier to re-sell. So I personally wouldn't even consider modding your 5900. I would sell it and buy a already modded unit or a more expensive stock unit. This of course is just my opinion. I've been told before that it is wrong, mostly from folks who have paid top $$$ to have the original mod done themselves. Of course if you are handy like Vman71 and can do the mod yourself you can save a bunch of $$$, but just know that when selling, most people won't touch a modified unit. I notice that the views on my ads are cut by two-thirds if I even mention a mod was done. Even if the mod was done by a reputable service. Most folks won't touch a modified unit.

That is my experience anyway. You are free to do what you wish.

John, if indeed that is your real name, do you mind if I call you ce168@h.c for short?

I think I know what you're asking. Since I currently own two highly modded players, I guess I would recommend you look for a used modded player. I think the modded units represent a good value. To use your example, I just bought a modded cd player for $2600. It is a unit that listed for $3500 in stock form and had $3600 worth of modifications. IMHO, I would have had to spend over $4-5K on a used $8-10K stock player to equal or top it. Does that make sense? Don't get me wrong, I do think that modded units perform very well, at least the mods that I've heard. Better than stock units and better than many more expensive units. Stock units have other associated costs that drive up their list price, as Chuck states.

As Mike says, since I know how much a mod adds sonically, and how much it depreciates on the used market, I spend my money on used modified units. To get a $3000 worth of mods for $500 is too good to pass up.

That being said, I'd never be the one to originally purchase the mod. If you plan on keeping your unit for a very long time, this may be a worthwhile investment. However, I know myself, not much lasts longer than 2 years in my system. I'd take a beating if I was only getting back 20-25 cents on the investment dollar. Then again, it might force me to keep gear longer.....

FWIW ce168@h.c, why are you only interested in modded Denon's? There are many modded Esoteric's, Marantz's, Sony's and others out there too. One word of warning, make sure it is a reputable modifier, someone who can repair the unit if there are any problems, since most mods will void any factory warranty and some manufacturers have balked at even repairing a modded unit. Perhaps that's one reason that re-sale on a modded unit is so tough.
