Tinnitus sufferer: is it the speakers or the 24bits/192kHz

I have tinitus and have had it for 30+ years.  There is no cure and I know the best way to handle it is to ignore it.  But lately my tinnitus has been going off the scale.  The "lately" seems to have coincided with streaming Qobuz Hi-Res and listening on a PS Audio DirectStream DAC and pulling my Magnepan 1.6 out of storage.  Now I have been known to play too loud on "A" song- but by and large the volume is down to where I could easily speak to somone in the room.

I have thought about maybe changing to to Harbeth, Dyn, Sonus Faber or other speakers more focused on midrange.  But have also wondered if it is the high quality of sound that I am listening to that is perhaps stimulating my very high pitch ringing?

So, any fellow tinnitus folks out there with an opinion on this? 

Showing 2 responses by asvjerry

I have tinnitus....also mid-range loss.

Go see an audiologist.  Quit denying the obvious, and save what you've left.  There's some really nice aids out there; I have a pair that restored what I thought I could hear and didn't.

Adjusting your diet for your personal physiology isn't a bad suggestion.  I have low blood pressure naturally, so salt isn't an issue for me.  You might check that out, it's simple to do that...

CBD may help, again simple to try.  Dietary issues can stare us in the face, but old bad habits are hard to break.

Changing ones' equipment doesn't necessarily make sense.  Even 'better' and/or 'different' won't change the recipient....;)
@ pkatsuleas....Good for you!  My aids 'dial down' my symptoms a lot, as the better ones can be 'tuned' to do so.
The various drugs I take for my cardio condition (synth aortic valve primarily) don't appear to make it worse, but it does vary.  Likely driven by what I eat and/or drink....
At least, I experience a 'white noise' hiss in the mid-freq., due to loss in that range.  Having it 'boosted' makes it less of a bother....

Dome tweets bother me as well....too 'etched', bordering on 'shrill' in some selections.  Horns are too 'forward', in one's face to be day-to-day drivers.  I guess that's why I like amt's....easier on the ears and the wetware betwixt. *G*  Walsh drivers are a pleasant combination, as omnis' don't feet like I'm 'drilled' in the preferred listen locale...