Time to retire my McCormack DAC-1 ?

Hi there, hope you all had a great New Year.
I have a McCormack DAC-1 since new. Still sounds lovely BUT I feel I am probably missing out on some music. What would you folks recommend for a replacement??  I'm budgeting 1 grand for a used piece of gear.

Many thanks for your input.

Showing 4 responses by grossman616

Thank you one and all for your advice..I have other "Steve" gear and am very happy.
I hear a lot about R2R ladder type DAC's etc.

I think there may not be enough "there, there" in the DAC 1 to upgrade, but I will give them a call.

I will look for the Ayre in the meantime.
I would like a unit that I can grow with.

Originally the DAC was just for Redbook but the times they are a changing....

Upscale audio has a used VAC 22.2 DAC for $600 any thoughts?

Thank you all again for your time and thoughts.
I will keep you posted.


Thank You tvad,
 I will call SMc tomorrow.
I was looking at the Schiit and was very impressed. A friend has the tube active/passive pre-amp
and I am duly impressed with it's sound and build quality. She upgraded it with a NOS Foton Soviet era tube.
The McCormack is ( to my ears) deep and open. My issue is the future. I have tried to keep the PC out of my HIFI but reception became a problem for me and I ended up replacing my Magnum Dynalab tuner with a internet tuner, which I love.
I am listening to a "station" from the Arctic Circle as I write this (77 degrees latitude!)

The McCormack couldn't read the tuners output signal and it has opened up this new can of worms.

I have a good SACD player but that format is going the way of the Dodo so I need something that can handle all the different formats and rates  out there with the nice big open sound I have gotten from my DAC-1 for the last (gasp) 25 years!
Oh yes used I'd like to keep the price at around a grand used. Am I asking too much??
Thanks Bob , that's a cost effective way into the future.

My friend with the Schiit Pre-amp has the Bluesound Vault 2i and is very happy with it.

Again thanks for the advice,

All the best,
Howie G