Time For a CD Player Upgrade

I've been using a Rega Saturn Mk 2.  I recently upgraded my turntable to the Mark Levinson 5105 w/ the Ortofon Quintet Black S.  In comparison my CD's are sounding overly bright.   Any thoughts on a comparable upgrade to my CD listening?  My budget is about $4000-5000, new or used.  The Hegel Viking looks interesting.  Any recommendation for an upgrade will be appreciated. 




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Just my two cents.  I have owned three ModWright CD/SACD players. Sony 999es, Sony 5400 and the Marantz 8005.  The Marantz was my favorite.  As others have said, I think the Marantz Ruby would probably be a contender or a used Marantz SA-10.  That being said the Teac VRDS-701 peaked my interest and has received positive feedback.  I went a different route in my current player the Esoteric K-03XD.  Of course it beat out the Marantz offerings and should for the cost difference.  If you can, audition the Teac VRDS-701 before deciding.